Category: Blog
Objectobot Original: Political Spectrum
Political spectrum based on essentials.
How the Media Covers the Middle East
No, it is not inherently antisemitic to criticize Israel. You are not antisemitic for criticizing Israel. You are antisemitic due to the content of your…
Bridging the Gap between Ayn Rand and Jordan Peterson
Recently, Jordan Peterson has been mentioning and asking questions about Ayn Rand on his show’s guests. Some of these comments prompted a response from the…
What to say to those who say they just want peace.
The scale and nature of the brutality of Hamas’s attack on Israel may have garnered unequivocal support for Israel in the immediate aftermath. However, as…
Let’s take another look at the labor theory of value
The labor theory of value is at the cornerstone of every economic scheme hatched by all the different flavors of Marxists. Due to some of…
Child Labor Ended by Capitalism
Child labor existed prior to capitalist societies. In fact, having children was one of the main ways a family would get the labor for their…
Venezuela’s economy crashed due to sanctions debunked.
This is one of the most common excuses by socialists for the failure of socialism in Venezuela. That the economy wasn’t brought down by the…
On jobs
These tweets are simply ignorant. People don’t take the time to even think one step ahead these days. If jobs exist that don’t pay a…
Is the Individual powerless?
The individual is the only entity that actually exists. So to say that it cannot give birth to itself is a nonsensical strawman. A baby…
Left’s anti free speech mentality is also rooted in Marxism.
Marx didn’t just right about economics, indeed he had an entire philosophy, which in fact influenced his economics and his politics. Leftists have explicitly adopted…
Yes Elon Musk is a self-made Billionaire.
The facts of Elon Musk’s timeline are fairly simple and widely available. He was born in 1971 in South Africa to a family of modest…
Can minimum wage workers afford a two-bedroom apartment?
As it turns out, yes they actually can, in every state. If you look at whether there is a 2 bedroom apartment within the price…
When the Truth Doesn’t fit, report the opposite.
Reporting on New leaf projects credits a one-time cash payment for $7500 for a successful betterment of lives of a select group of homeless. What…
Yaron Brook(Objectivist) vs Richard Wolff (Communist) Debate
Below is the youtube video of both the full debate and a recap video by Yaron Brook. An excellent performance by Dr. Brook in this…
What is a Rational Education?
By Jeff Frenkel “The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.” This quote was made by Abraham Lincoln well over…
How to and how not to defend Capitalism
This is a new series I am employing and calling it objectivism through flow charts. We are going to take a look at the below…
Don’t Steal This Article!
Since it appears this article has been removed from the internet, at least I can’t find it, I am republishing it here. Don’t Steal This…
David Friedman’s dinky attempt at philosophy.
David Friedman, Milton’s son, once tried to refute Ayn Rand. What follows is his attempt, which is rather weak on two fronts. First he is…
Donald Hoffman’s Book, Case Against Reality, is just a recitation of Kant.
Though it may sound as though Donald Hoffman’s theory called the interface theory of perception is a novel idea, it is not, it was invented…
Philosophy of Star Trek
Movies and TV shows if not explicitly then implicitly usually expound some sort of philosophies. These philosophies if not consciously then subconsciously are picked up…
The Lefts Voodoo Economics on the Minimum Wage.
Rep. Ilhan Omar and many other left-leaning think tanks and operatives are repeating the talking point that 27 million workers would receive a wage raise…
The Scam of that wasn’t real Communism
Most libertarians or other freedom advocates, when pointing out the failures of nations that have attempted communism and socialism are very aware of the phrase…
Comparing Covid-19 deaths to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 is extremely ignorant.
If we are talking about just the sheer number of deaths, then yes Covid-19 technically will kill much more people than for instance 9/11. However,…
The Media has crossed from being biased to full propaganda mode.
The media has always leaned left and has always given favorable news coverage to the democrats. However, now they have gone full propaganda mode for…
Statist response to CoronaVirus is a disaster, free markets in healthcare are needed now.
Statists always conjure up some concern about a possible failure of the free market. Free markets in their view need to be perfect, while governments,…
Why it seems like the New Left wants to control all aspects of our lives now.
I recommend watching the video at the bottom where Yaron Brook fully explains what is happening. However, the shorter version is that the left has…
Objectivist ethics outside of the non-initiation of force principle.
Some libertarians hold the non-initiation of force principle as an axiom or like a golden rule. They refer to this principle as the NAP, or…
There is something about this mask-wearing thing that might actually be working.
I am against any government mandates for wearing a mask. I am pro-freedom and pro-liberty, however, there is something about this mask wearing thing when…
Yes, as your common sense may have told you, protests do spread COVID-19.
How does the media, and the fact-checkers get away with propagating the narrative the protests do not spread COVID-19? By very careful phrasing. In essence,…
Social distance warriors, are you absolutely sure you are saving lives and not ending them?
You may have noticed a shift in the narrative of social distancing from flattening the curve, to social distancing to save lives. Social distance warriors…
The Statistic to Monitor from the CDC. Total Deaths per Week.
I think it was reasonable to panic and sound the alarm about the Corona-virus back when all our data was dependent on what happened in…
How South Korea is Winning against CoronaVirus without Draconian measures
Nations that learned their lessons from Sars and Mers are fairing better than the rest of the world who have not experienced a recent outbreak.…
Who are the Job creators?
Coronavirus quarantines seemed to have some people questioning who are the job creators. If consumers and workers are staying home, and not frequenting businesses, and…
Pandemics in a free society
This is a friendly criticism of Trump’s response to Corona virus and an overall look of how a pandemic would be handled in a free…
Why solar and wind can’t save the planet
The video at the end is of a TED talk, I recommend you watch it for your self, but the point of this piece is…
When someone says that healthcare is a right.
Bernie Sanders, for instance, says this all the time. “The U.S. is the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee healthcare for all as…
Why is AOC touting Marx’s defunct Labor Theory of Value?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.” When asked to elaborate she explained that billionaires do…
Part-time workers counted as low wage workers in a new report.
As the title so simply explains, a new report claiming that half of all Americans work low wage jobs fails to disclose that when defining…
Amazon will pay no Taxes Fake News Debunked.
According to an already highly deceptive report by Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, Amazon will pay no federal income tax on its 11.2 billion…
No, productivity is not divergent from income.
You may have seen the below chart arguing that worker productivity has increased, but their compensation has not kept up. However, after looking closer into…
Debunking CEO pay myths.
The report from the Economic Policy Institute claims ‘CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978 while typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that…
Is insurance a form of socialism?
The claim goes something like this. Since private health insurance is paid into collectively, it is a form of socialism, and therefore conservatives/capitalists already support…
Competing Governments?
“A recent variant of anarchistic theory, which is befuddling some of the younger advocates of freedom, is a weird absurdity called “competing governments.” Accepting the…
It’s ridiculous to complain about the income inequality that emerges from free, voluntary transactions.
A man who catches 1000 fish can feed more people than a man who catches 10. Even if the man who caught 1000 fish exerted…
Amazon raising starting salary to 15$ per hour only helps those whose productivity justifies that wage.
Amazon just committed to raising the starting salary for all employees to 15$ per hour. What is the economic impact of that decision? The answer…
Is family separation at the border a Trump admin Policy?
The media have been quick to blame the Trump administration for parent child separation at the Mexico border. Today however, no self respecting, independent thinking…
What is a rational immigration policy?
What is a rational immigration policy? The government’s proper role in managing immigration is the same as its proper role in any activity. To protect…
Yes you still need consent to copy intellectual property
Libertarians obviously understand the concept and requirement for consent. Until they don’t? There are entire books of excuses written in attempts to justify copying intellectual property…
The best argument for free trade
In time of war, we blockade our enemies in order to prevent them from getting goods from us. In time of peace, we do to…
Trump is wrong on tariffs, they are not a benefit, here is why.
Trump has recently came out in support of trade tariffs on steel. He has also threatened protectionism policies in other industries. Sadly, this type of…
All gun control Myths Debunked
With another tragedy, the media is circulating the same old gun control myths that have been refuted numerous times. Being tired of looking up the…
Look how easy it is to solve pre-exiting conditions issue if government gets out of the way.
In my humble opinion it would be extremely easy to solve the pre-exiting conditions issue without current government regulations chaining the industry hand and…
Blaming things on greed is childish.
You hear people like Bernie Sanders say this all the time. “The problem with America is too much greed. This is one of the most…
Republicans need to be careful voting for Trump just because the left hates him.
I have not taken any polls, or held any focus groups obviously, but I pretty strongly believe that the appeal of Trump has to do…
People are fighting for 15$ minimum wage like they are some sort of hero. In reality, they are hurting exactly the people that need help the most.
Those who are making minimum wage and are advocating for an increase, I can forgive. If they were knowledgeable about economics they probably wouldn’t be…
Only way to have an open and free internet is to keep government’s hands off of it.
I would like to live in a world where I have a choice between an internet provider that has fast…
Either pay for your own college now, or every ones for the rest of your life.
Either pay for your own college now, or every ones for the rest of your life. Obama’s free 2 years of college program suggestion, and…
If socialists want to achieve their goals they should reject their ideology.
The main economic goal of socialists, egalitarians, and other Marxist sects is income or wealth equality. Or in other words, they would like to see…
Permanent chump
Krugman writes in his recent article called permanent slum that our current depressed economy and high unemployment might be the new norm. Of course this…
How good is government at solving problems really?
You have probably seen these graphs sometime before, well here they are again, in one place. America is doing poorly at educating our kids. So…
Soviet era jokes applied to Obamacare
Obamacare, and its recent website implementation is riddle with all the same problems of Soviet era central planning. In Soviet Union you could be sent…
The morality of the 2nd Amendment
When the constitution was written, and this cannot be repeated enough, it was a concerted effort to put limits on government action. The constitution is…
Self appointed winners announce that they have won. Why am I not surprised?
Lol, so my first thought was, …
Walmart Vs Costco
With minimum wage in the news, Costco got a lot of attention for paying their employees $17 per hour, while Walmart only pays about $9…
Surest way to lose the moral argument for capitalism, is to say its for the sake of the poor.
“The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is, not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.”― Frédéric Bastiat That is…
Pundit Krugman is wrong on minimum wage, while economist Krugman is right?
How you may ask, can Objectobot, practically a nobody, criticize and ridicule a decorated economist like Krugman in his own field. Krugman is a recognized expert in economics, why should you…
2012 Election Vote, the problem is ideas
1. Romney and Obama are not the same. Though they may have some similar positions they also differ on many. Philosophically they have stark…
Krugman and the Broken iPhone 5 Fallacy
Krugman is at it again. Apparently if you acknowledge that sales of new iphones will register as an increase in GDP, which is…
Full Employment but Nothing to Eat
Updated 9/14/2012. The bellow is now happening. But it is even worse than we thought. The Fed announced that they will be buying 40 billion…
Debunking Krugman
Are you tired of Krugman’s economic magic tricks? I know I am. Krugman recently again reiterated that an economy is not the same as a family…
Judge Napolitano vs Jon Stewart
Untitled from objectobot on Vimeo. There is a few objective issues out there in the world, and by objective I mean that the truth is…
Libertarian’s appeasement of progressive’s attack on selfishness is a losing tactic
An article on, this one, tries to deflect progressive attacks on libertarianism. It explains why libertarianism is not equal to selfishness, and that critics…
Reagan vs Obama net change in government spending Graph De-bunked and Exposed as a Fraud
The below graph was posted on website and has gone viral. It claims that the net change in government spending under Reagan was higher…
Warren Buffet vs Reality
Warren Buffet has come out recently on numerous occasions to take some comments about taxes and income. Rich people however, are just as susceptible to…
Obama vs Reality
Obama: Capitalism is a theory that never worked. Reality: America which has existed for roughly 220 years has been built into a super economic power…
Net Neurtrality is the Foot in the Door
Do you want the government running the internet if the democrats are in charge? What about if the republican’s are in charge? If you said…
What market failure? Final Part. Lets Review.
After and during the financial crisis it was widely claimed that the free market had failed. To me this was a bizarre assertion because in…
What market failure? Part 1, Accounting Practices
In the “What market failure” we will look at the various claims that the free market failed, and show that the principles of the free…
What market failure? Part 2. Washington Mutual Takeover
In the “What market failure” we will look at the various claims that the free market failed, and show that the principles of the free…
What market failure? Part 3. Central Banks.
In the “What market failure” we will look at the various claims that the free market failed, and show that the principles of the free…
What market failure? Part 4. Credit Rating Agencies.
In the “What market failure” we will look at the various claims that the free market failed, and show that the principles of the free…
What market failure? Part 5. Sticks and Carrots
In the “What market failure” we will look at the various claims that the free market failed, and show that the principles of the free…