Is insurance a form of socialism?

The claim goes something like this. Since private health insurance is paid into collectively, it is a form of socialism, and therefore conservatives/capitalists already support the basic ideas of socialism.

That of course is nonsense. The essential characteristic of socialism is not paying for services as a group. The essential characteristic of socialism is the abolition of private property.

Though it may be more obvious that insurance requires a group of people to purchase it’s service in order to operate, this is just as true for literally every other business. Walmart doesn’t stock it’s stores because 1 individual will buy their products, Apple doesn’t produce iPhones because 1 individual buys iPhones. All products or services require a large group of people to purchase them for them to exist.

The difference between capitalism and socialism is in the handling of property. Under capitalism the property is privately owned. The group of individuals purchasing insurance own their funds, and have the right to buy or not to buy. They are essentially in charge of how their funds are spent. Under socialism property is publicly owned. The State confiscates by force all the funds an individual produces and then purchases the insurance for him. There is no individual right to decide to buy or not to buy insurance, the decision power is with the State. The State either directly confiscates the funds and provides the insurance, or distributes the funds to individuals and then compels them by force to purchase the same said insurance.

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