The Media has crossed from being biased to full propaganda mode.

The media has always leaned left and has always given favorable news coverage to the democrats. However, now they have gone full propaganda mode for the democratic party. Empowered by their own narrative that Trump is a racist fascist, they have essentially rationalized themselves into blatantly lying to and hoaxing their viewers.

The following facts may appear to be pro-Trump, so just keep in mind that it is not my intention to convince you to like Trump, the purpose here, is to illustrate to you the extent the media was willing to lie in order to achieve an ends that they desired. You may agree with the ends, you may even find that lying was justifiable to get Trump out of office. My purpose would then be to convince you that this type of mentality is very dangerous to the overall prosperity and freedom of our nation. A free independent media is supposed to be a check on government power. A disredited unreliable media paves the way for a real authoritarian to take power in the future.

Consider the following statistics, 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they have heard of some of the news stories about him.

More disturbingly is that voters were unaware of many of Biden’s policy proposals, and have stated that if they were aware, they would not have voted for him. One of Biden’s strategies was to simply make contradictory promises about his policy proposals to different groups of constituents. For instance, when speaking in Pennsylvania he would promise no ban on fracking, when speaking outside of Pennsylvania he would promise the opposite. The media decided to simply not report any of his policy statements, allowing him to continue with the strategy of contradictory promises.

Now consider the coverage of Trump’s alleged support for white nationalism. The good people on both sides line was played on every media network. Late-night hosts like Trevon Noah took the fraud to an entirely new level by playing the edited clip, and then explicitly stating to their audience that Trump was expressing his support for white supremacists. When the complete opposite was true, and you don’t have to believe me, simply google or YouTube the clip yourself. The following is part of Trump’s comments that the media conveniantly leaves out.

ā€œIā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.ā€ 

What does condemned totally mean to you, and why was it left out of all the reporting and late-night tv shows?

Media being willing to essentially become a propaganda outlet for politicians is very concerning.

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