Tag: objectobot
Objectobot on Capitalism
“It is astounding hypocrisy that capitalism, the most rapid system of progress and innovation ever created, is condemned for an instance of imperfection, while socialism,…
Ayn Rand acting on Altruist beliefs
Would you be willing and able to act on the belief that altruism is a moral ideal. That you must sacrificeeverything, everything you love, seek,…
The Media has crossed from being biased to full propaganda mode.
The media has always leaned left and has always given favorable news coverage to the democrats. However, now they have gone full propaganda mode for…
Ayn Rand on the Common Good
“The common good of a collective, a race, a class, a state, was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men.”
Soviet era jokes applied to Obamacare
Obamacare, and its recent website implementation is riddle with all the same problems of Soviet era central planning. In Soviet Union you could be sent…