“It took centuries of intellectual, philosophical development to achieve political freedom. It was a long struggle, stretching from Aristotle to John Locke to the Founding…
Freedom, in a political context, means freedom from government coercion. It does not mean freedom from the landlord, or freedom from the employer, or freedom from…
“If men are to live together in a peaceful, productive, rational society and deal with oneanother to mutual benefit, they must accept the basic social…
If capitalism had never existed, any honest humanitarian should have been struggling to invent it. But when you see men struggling to evade its existence,…
What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or…
I am against any government mandates for wearing a mask. I am pro-freedom and pro-liberty, however, there is something about this mask wearing thing when…
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from…