The businessman carries scientific discoveries from the laboratory of the inventor toindustrial plants, and transforms them into material products that fill men’s physical needs and…
“The alleged goals of socialism were the abolition of poverty and the achievement of general prosperity. The results have been a terrifying failure. Instead of…
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic…
You’ve been told your mind is incompetent tounderstand, that certainty is impossible, that there are no absolutes, that life is meaningless. It’s not true.
The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man’s rights, which means, to protect him from physical violence. But a government that initiates…
Fascism and Communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory. Both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist…
“If men are to live together in a peaceful, productive, rational society and deal with oneanother to mutual benefit, they must accept the basic social…
“The precondition of a civilized society is the barring of physical force from socialrelationships, thus establishing the principle that if men wish to deal with…
“Since knowledge, thinking, and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise his rational faculty or not depends on the individual,…
“Hedonism is the doctrine which holds that the good is whatever gives you pleasure and, therefore, pleasure is the standard of morality. Objectivism holds that…
An emotion as such tells you nothing about reality, beyond the fact that something makes you feel something. Without a ruthlessly honest commitment to introspection—to…
If capitalism had never existed, any honest humanitarian should have been struggling to invent it. But when you see men struggling to evade its existence,…
The virtue involved in helping those one loves is not “selflessness” or “sacrifice,” but integrity. Integrity is loyalty to one’s convictions and values, it is…
What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or…
The acceleration of collectivism’s advance is not a march of winners, but a blind stampede of losers. Collectivism has lost the battle for min’s minds,…
Anyone is still free to say, write and publish anything he pleases. Yet men keep silent while their culture is perishing from an entrenched institutionalized…
“Instead of prosperity, socialism has brought economic paralysis and/or collapse to every country that tried it. The degree of socialization has been the degree of…
“Intellectual freedom cannot exist without political freedom; political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom; a free mind and a free market are corollaries.”
“People are not embracing collectivism because they have accepted badeconomics. They are accepting bad economics because they have embracedcollectivism. “You cannot reverse cause and effect. And you cannot destroy the causeby…
“The liberals are afraid to identify their program by its proper name. They advocate every specific step, measure, policy, and principle of statism, but squirm…
“Requiring inoculation against disease is definitely not a job for the government. If it is medically proven that a certain inoculation is desirable, those who…
” The “liberals” are constantly asserting that they represent the future, that they are “new,” “progressive,” “forward-looking,” etc.—and they denounce the “conservatives” as old-fashioned representatives…
“Collectivism, as an intellectual power and a moral ideal, is dead. But freedom and individualism, and their political expression, capitalism, have not yet been discovered.”
“The charming aspect of Christmas is the fact that it expresses good will in a cheerful, happy, benevolent, non-sacrificial way. One says: “Merry Christmas”—not “Weep…
“America’s abundance was created… by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes……
“People are not embracing collectivism because they have accepted bad economics. They are accepting bad economics because they have embraced collectivism.”
“Instead of prosperity, socialism has brought economic paralysis and/or collapse to every country that tried it. The degree of socialization has been the degree of…
“If all the wealth spent on personal consumption by all the rich of the United States were expropriated and distributed among our population, it would…
“Capitalism has created the highest standard of living ever known on earth. The evidence is incontrovertible. The contrast between West and East Berlin is the…
“Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the…
“The fallacies and contradictions in the economic theories of socialism were exposed and refuted time and time again, in the Nineteenth Century as well as…
From Capitalism the Unknown Ideal. “The difference between political power and any other kind of social power, between government and any private organization, is the…
“Existence exists-and the act of grasping that statement implies two corollary axioms: That something exists which one perceives and that one exists possessing consciousness, consciousness…
“It is the Communists’ intention to make people think that personal success is somehow achieved at the expense of others and that every successful man…
“The most dreadful butchers were the most sincere. They believed in the perfect society reached through the guillotine and the firing squad. Nobody questioned…